Say Cargo Express Online Shipment Tracking and Technology Update!

Say Cargo Express Online Shipment Tracking and Technology Update!

The Say Cargo Express website  shipment tracking feature, at , is back LIVE after an upgrade to our hardware and software. Tracking will now be accessible quicker than before and new features will be added to our online booking system! If you...

Expedited Ground Shipping – Air Freight Alternatives are Here!

With another air cargo giant going down (this time the actual asset-based airplane cargo company), many are wondering what they can do to get their Next Day or Two Day shipments from point A to point B without using the FedEx and UPS’ of this world; who have...

Say Cargo Express Receives Platinum Supplier Status from WBEC-West!

 From issued Press Release…       52 Women Owned Businesses Designated WBEC-West Platinum Suppliers Mesa, Ariz. – August 10, 2011 – The Women’s Business Enterprise Council West (WBEC-West), a regional partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council...
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